Spring has almost sprung in the meantime Why not get organized?
Until our weather is constantly warm enough to get out and do all the yard work, why not utilize these dreary days and spark your mental well being. Clutter is a postponed decision so why not get rid of the cluttered thoughts in your mind and re-direct them with a positive thought or being organized. Here are steps to get started:
1. Dedicate the time:
Where to find the time? While sitting around watching TV why not go through all that paperwork that seems to be piling up. One hour a night will add up quickly.
2. Get necessary supplies:
Empty boxes, shredder, sticky notes, file folders, envelopes, and labels.
3. Use the Rip and Read technique:
Take all your magazines and just rip out what you want. Make up the necessary files to put the information in. Examples would be:
a. “Someday-Maybe” for purchases. By doing this it many times stops impulsive buying. One week later you pick it up in a better
mood and say I really don’t need this.
b. “Read File” The read file is for articles and great to take in the car and bring into doctor’s appointments or read on your lunch hour.
c. “Project file” If you do any projects you are considering.
d. “Vacation ideas” Create whatever files will fit your lifestyle. The idea is that they are in an organized place
where you can find them and not all over the house.